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What strategic priorities will shape the workforce and  HR  agenda in 2024 and beyond?


What strategic priorities will shape the workforce and HR agenda in 2024 and beyond?

The world of work is undergoing profound and extensive disruption. Large-scale trends are transforming work, workforces and workplaces. The legacy of the pandemic has combined with a tense economic and social landscape, presenting businesses with significant challenges. How can businesses best navigate this increasingly complex environment? And, if you are in HR and have people responsibilities, what are the key strategic issues and areas of priority action for 2024 and beyond?

As the working landscape continues to shift rapidly in response to world events, this comprehensive new Report provides a timely and important assessment of the key issues and challenges of the day that will impact on the world of work for years to come.


The future of work in 2050 – too few jobs or too few workers?


The future of work in 2050 – too few jobs or too few workers?

Since the world emerged from the Covid pandemic, economies in richer nations such as the UK have faced skills shortages. A range of converging factors have resulted in many sectors experiencing too few workers for the available jobs. This report considers whether this situation is likely to improve in the longer-term. Looking ahead to 2050, the report explores whether a world of work with too few jobs or too few workers is likely to emerge.


“Eight drivers of change – 2022 and beyond”


“Eight drivers of change – 2022 and beyond”

One year on from the publication of our ‘Eight Drivers of Change – the future of work’ 2021 Report, the landscape of the world of work has altered significantly. Our new Report by James Davies, Partner at Lewis Silkin, reflects on the extent to which major events in the world, alongside evolving societal attitudes, advancing technologies and a shifting political landscape, have impacted on the key observations and themes identified in the 2021 Report. Importantly, the new Report looks forward to consider how the world of work will evolve in the years ahead and the implications for employers and their workforces.

As the working landscape continues to shift rapidly in response to world events, this comprehensive new Report provides a timely and important assessment of the key issues and challenges of the day that will impact on the world of work for years to come.


Women in Work: a brief history of women in the workplace


Women in Work: a brief history of women in the workplace

In this first article of a two part series, we explore the history of women in waged work through the ages and both the historic and current challenges faced by women in the workplace. Our second article will focus on what the future of work may hold for women in light of the pandemic and the effect of increasing automation on the labour market and women's working lives.


Changing demographics and ageing workforces


Changing demographics and ageing workforces

Madeleine Jephcott, Managing Practice Development Lawyer in Lewis Silkin LLP’s employment team, considers the drivers behind an ageing workforce, current and expected government policy in this area and how employers can take steps now to adapt to this ongoing trend.


Future-proofing: megatrends


Future-proofing: megatrends

This article is the first in a series of articles by Lewis Silkin LLP which will look at the impact of three megatrends  - globalisation, technology and changing demographics - on the world of work and the implications for business.