Digital and artificial intelligence technologies will likely have a substantial economic and social impact. Governments can act now to create shared prosperity and better lives for all citizens, reports McKinsey.

In the coming years, automation will have a substantial economic and social impact on countries around the world and governments will by no means be passive observers. This report seeks to provide government leaders and policy makers with the foundation to harness the potential of automation while mitigating its adverse effects.

Automation can be a positive disruption that improves everyone’s lives. Automation has the potential to alter nearly every facet of work and daily life. Indeed, automation, digital and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are already essential to our professional and civic lives. The McKinsey Global Institute identified the adoption of digital technologies as the biggest factor in future economic growth: it will likely account for about 60% of potential productivity growth by 2030. AI alone is expected to yield an additional 1.2 percent in productivity growth per year from 2017 to 2030.

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