This report by Deloitte examines how new trends triggered by the global pandemic are shaping the nature of work, the workforce and the workplace as a whole.

This report from Deloitte outlines a future world of work shaped by the Covid-19 pandemic which requires more transparent and consultative leadership, greater focus from employees on career development as automation increases and a more proactive role for governments to invest to close the digital divide.

The report draws on in-depth interviews with 26 European business leaders, policymakers and researchers. The study has been commissioned to help guide policymakers, employers and professionals on how the pandemic may impact workplace practices and trends.

Frans Dagelet, Partner at Deloitte Human Capital, comments: “The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated the thinking and action around the future of work. It demonstrates more than ever that we need to prepare for a different way of looking at work, leadership and collaboration. The leaders that we have interviewed have given insight to their business perspectives and how they have perceived the acceleration of the future of work. We can conclude based on the interviews and underpinning research that the work, workforce and workplace face changes that have to be embraced and implemented to stay relevant.”

Click here for the full report
