A new report by Benefex shows that employee expectations continue to rise in relation to every aspect of the employee experience, with 77% of employees reporting that their expectations of their employers have risen since the start of the pandemic. Expectations rose most significantly among employees under the age of 40, suggesting that younger employees are driving this change.

Employees are increasingly looking to their organisations to help them; asking more of their employers than ever before.

They’re expecting employers to offer assistance in areas of their lives that would have been thought ‘out-of-scope’ of the employee benefits package previously.

The defining employee experience research report for 2022, Great Expectations is the resulting insight from more than 4,000 employee interviews around the world. From employees’ attitudes to work (and to their employers) and the extent to which people’s priorities, ambitions, and (crucially) expectations around work have changed.

Click here for the full report
