Making the shift from “survive to thrive” depends on an organisation becoming distinctly human at its core—a different way of being that approaches every question, every issue, and every decision from a human angle first.

In 2020, Covid-19 forced organisations around the world to enact radically new ways of working and operating amid the pandemic’s human and economic impacts. Organisations had to respond to a sudden, unforeseen crisis whose rapidly changing nature confounded efforts to predict and plan for events. The pandemic brought into sharp relief the pitfalls of strategies that envision moving from point A to point B on a static path, and that assume that one has years, not months or weeks, in which to rethink outdated views and establish a new set of truths. As we all learned the hard way, in an environment that can shift from moment to moment, the paths and time frames to achieving one’s goals must shift as well.

Having a plan to deal with the unexpected, as important as it is, isn’t all organizations need in such an environment. Even more necessary is to make a fundamental mindset shift: from a focus on surviving to the pursuit of thriving.

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